I'm Victoria Morley and I'm a success coach for salon business owners.
Now in this 4-part series, I'm going to be talking quite a bit around mindset and how to reprogram your mind for success.
But today I'm going to be starting off with helping you understand exactly what mindset is, why it's important, how it could be affecting you in your business and also what life is like when you work on it.
And then in the rest of the series, I'm going to be going through how you can actually start to reprogram your mindset for success.
So first of all, what is mindset?
Mindset, if you've watched the film The Matrix, which I think we all have, is basically your programming.
So when I say programming, I mean your habitual thoughts, beliefs,
actions and emotions and our mindset is completely unique to each and every single one of us and it's actually developed from the minute we are born, that's literally when we start getting programmed.
So, if you've got children of your own or you've been around children, you'll know that they can learn anything really quickly.
They're like sponges.
Well, there's a reason for that because when you are growing up, you've literally got to learn how to walk, how to talk, how to eat and then you start developing your own personality.
What makes you, you.
Now the interesting thing is, during the ages of 0-7 years old,
children are actually mostly in alpha and theta brainwaves.
Now this is important to note because alpha and theta brainwaves are the same brainwaves that you and I would be if we were being hypnotized or if we're meditating.
This is important to know because that is actually subconscious level programming.
So your mindset today has been created over decades and it's in your subconscious.
So when you think of your
thoughts, beliefs, actions and emotions, they're 95% habitual.
So, if you think back to a time where you've tried to change a habit, maybe you've tried to start a new fitness regime, maybe you've started trying to post more social media posts for your business.
Your mindset
was the thing that stopped you, it's nothing to do with your ability.
It's nothing to do with your skill level.
It is your mindset.
And if you've got a mindset that is holding you in a place of fear, so potentially your subconscious level programming could have a belief system in it that you're not good enough.
You're not worthy.
Mine was I'm not good enough.
You could have a fear of visibility, a fear of judgement.
your subconscious level programming, so your mindset, will be the single thing that is preventing you from doing some of the things that you know you want to do, you should do, you need to do.
And this is why it's so, so important to work on your mindset, and yet so few people actually do it.
So let me spend a few minutes on how it will be affecting you and your business.
So if your mindset at the moment is almost rigged to keep you in a place of fear.
It will be showing up for you with potential inaction in your business.
So when you want to start doing something new in your business, or in your life, you find it really hard to actually start doing it.
It could be holding you in a place of overwhelm.
So, maybe you're trying to do all these different things, spin all these different plates, but you can't get off the ground.
You can't do it.
And you know, they'll be times where you've thought I'm going to do a Live on social media or I want to put my prices up.
Charging your worth.
And something stopped you from doing it.
That was your mindset, that was fear of something, fear of not being good enough, fear of not being worthy, fear of judgement, fear of visibility.
And if we take putting prices up as a perfect example.
Maybe you didn't do that because you were worried about what people would think, what your customers would think.
Maybe you were worried that your customers would stop coming to you if you did that.
And as a salon business owner, if you are making decisions out of a place of fear, you are always going to stay stuck.
You are never going to be able to move out of your comfort zone.
And you know, the money mindset, money blocks, when we're thinking of charging your worth, is a perfect example of that.
So this could also be showing up in ways such as people-pleasing.
Maybe you're always putting yourself last and always putting everyone else's thoughts and emotions first.
Now, what's interesting about that, that's actually a thankless task, because at the end of the day, we cannot control what other people think and feel towards us, because they've got their own level of programming, but I see so many salon business owners people-please, worry about what other people think, instead of standing in their truth, speaking up for themselves.
So that's another way it could be showing up for you.
Maybe you are not speaking your truth.
Maybe you are, you know, not speaking out when you really, really want to and you know that you should be.
The other way it could be showing up for you, and I could list these all day long, because I see them all the time in clients when they start working with me, is maybe you are not feeling that passion for your business anymore.
Maybe you don't feel like what you're doing at the moment is fulfilling you and once again, you could be stuck in a place of fear.
Fear of change of direction, fear of maybe even moving out of the industry, because I've seen a lot of my clients actually wanting to start to diversify into other areas because that lights them up, that's passion, that's fulfilment.
But for so many people they stay stuck because they're so afraid of what could happen.
What would other people think, what if it isn't successful, so the fear of failure.
Some people even have a fear of success.
So if you are finding that you cannot get past a certain earning level, your mindset is probably not wired to allow you to
do that.
So, this is another reason why it is so, so important to work on your mindset.
Now, let me share with you what life is like when you do work on your mindset.
You are standing in your truth.
You are being who you truly are, because you are not being governed by fear.
You're not being governed by self-limiting beliefs.
So you are going to be able to make decisions in your business and in your life that are completely aligned with you, your wants, your needs, and that of your family.
You don't feel the need to people-please anymore.
You're going to be able to start stepping outside of your perceived comfort zone.
So maybe you want to be more visible, you know on social media.
Maybe you've always been a a shy person before that.
I see this a lot in my clients.
They come to me really shy, because they've got this belief system that they're worried about being judged or being visible, and all of a sudden they realize how much they love connecting with people on social media and sharing their story.
You'll be able to start earning more.
This is what every salon business owner wants right? They want to earn more money because when you are operating from an empowered mindset, you're going to be able to charge your worth.
You're going to be able to move your business in a direction that feels right for you, that you're passionate about, that fulfils you as well.
It's then going to ripple out into different areas of your life.
Your relationships will benefit from it.
Because once again, you are speaking your truth, you're being the person that you truly are, you're not worrying all the time about people- pleasing or worrying what other people think of you if you're just yourself.
And once you step into your truth and you are yourself,
It is freeing, that is the most common word I hear my clients say.
It feels like a new sense of freedom.
Balance, you will be able to have balance in your life, because there might be programming that you've been carrying around and maybe you got it from your parents, for example, that work must be hard.
I have to work all these hours in the day to do X.
And once you step out of that fear-based mindset, once you start removing these self-limiting beliefs, you can confidently start making time for you and your family and your friends and doing the things that really, really light you up.
Understand Your Mindset
Your subconscious drives your thoughts, feelings, emotions & beliefs. These all converge to create your mindset be it positive or negative. Skills, ability & confidence can be held back by a negative mindset, therefore a reset of your mindset is neccesary to experience more balance & success in your life.