Hi, it's me.
Again, Victoria Morley and I'm a success coach for Salon business owners.
So we're now in part two of this video miniseries and last time I spoke about what mindset was why it's important how it could be affecting you in your business.
And also what life looks like when you work on it.
this particular episode.
I'm gonna be taking you through a process so you can start getting awareness into your mindset.
So I'm going to be talking through why that's important.
And also how you can start recognizing whether your mindset is empowering you or disappearing you.
So let's dive into it.
So why do you need to gain awareness into your mindset? So last time I mentioned that you are on 95% autopilot with your habitual thoughts feelings actions emotions and beliefs.
It's your programming.
so if you don't understand what you are doing if you haven't got this awareness, how can you ever correct it so that is why awareness is so important.
Awareness literally is power.
So and if I just share a personal story if I think back to my two decades of being in my previous career before I came became a success coach, I was on autopilot.
I was making decisions out of fear.
I was miserable.
I was anxious and I just thought that's how it was.
I just thought yeah, this is who I am.
That's completely incorrect because we can change our programming at any time but it always starts with an awareness.
So I call it strengthening your awareness muscle and this is the first thing I always do with my clients.
I get them to start getting an awareness into their habitual thoughts beliefs actions and emotions.
with the awareness First of all, you can correct it.
You can make decisions out of the place of empowerment instead of disempowerment.
and also with this awareness you can in those important moments where you're about to make Strategic or critical decisions in your business or life? You've got that level of awareness to ask right now.
Am I operating out of the place of empowerment? Or am I about to make a fear-based decision? Because making any decision out of fear is only going to limit you and keep you stuck.
So this is why this awareness gaining awareness into your mindset is so so important.
Now you are gonna have this level of subconscious programming and in your mindset in a whole host every single area in your life.
so first of all Step.
Number one is starting to recognize your habitual thoughts feelings actions and emotions and doing that for different situations.
So I want you to think about areas such as your business business growth charging your worth.
Money mindsets and then also self-care.
Balance friends and family, there's all these different areas and more that you can start to recognize your habitual thoughts beliefs actions and emotions Within.
So I would definitely recommend starting off a journaling like creating your own self awareness Journal.
And in that journal you can record what your self-talk looks like how you speaking to yourself? Because we've all got these in a voices that tell us to do something or not to do something.
So say for instance, you are just about to charge a client for a for one of your most expensive packages or services.
Because money mindset comes up a lot.
So in that moment what thoughts are coming through your head? Are you thinking to yourself? This feels really uncomfortable.
I hate asking for money.
What if they what what if what if they think it's too expensive? You know, what if they say no, I don't think it's worth that much.
You know, you'll have all these different levels of self-talk going on.
So always always.
Start to gain an awareness into what your self-talk is telling you.
Because you'll be amazed how much of it is actually negative and fear-based how much you actually put yourself down with your own thoughts.
And that creates an energy in you that creates a low vibrational energy and you that is always going to come across to your clients in that situation.
If you're not feeling good about charging certain amount of money to a client.
It's going to not feel good for your clients as well.
And you know that same the same sort of things would come up when you're wanting to put your prices up.
Stepping outside your comfort zone.
What will people think? So first of all, self-talk and the other thing is emotions, so and this is actually a really good first clue before you look at the self-talk.
So if you are feeling any other emotion other than feeling really good and which I feel most of the time really good now because I worked on my mindset but if you're you know, sometimes you have that feeling and you can't put your thing on it and you've got that icky feeling sometimes you feel it in your stomach.
Sit with it.
Ask yourself in that moment.
What is that feeling I'm feeling What thoughts are going through my head at the moment? is it fear because it probably is it's probably going to be a fear of failure or fear of success of fear of wandering worrying what other people are going to think of you a fear of being visible fear of not being worthy fear drives so many negative emotions in US.
Start thinking about if you've got a negative emotion in your body.
What is that? What's driving that? What thoughts are coming up? Am I feeling positive right now or am I feeling negative? is it fear-based is it not fear-based and you can do the this in so many different situations, you know have a journal next you while you're going through your work day or Journal at the end of the day, but really really start homing in on your awareness muscle because like I say once you home in on that first of all, you're going to be Amazed / shocked on how much of your day is spent in those negative emotions is spent with those negative self.
And you know that negative self-talk that fear-based self-talk.
And then you can really start to understand.
The reason why you're you've stayed stuck the reason why you've not taken your business to the next level or the reason why you're not enjoying balancing your life.
The reason why you don't feel good about charging your worth or the reason why you keep putting yourself last.
It's not because you've not got the ability.
It's not because you've got anything different to anyone else.
It's just your mindset.
It's just your programming.
And what we're going to do in the next video is we're gonna start taking you through a process so you can really understand where that programming's come from and how to start rewiring it for success.
Listen to Your Own Self Talk
Through a greater awareness of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs & emotions, learn to recognise your own self-talk. As your awareness grows, you will discover much about yourself & what you need to change, in order to experience a more balanced and successful life.