In this captivating video, Pitt Yueng, a renowned nail artist and educator at A Formula salon and beauty school in Hong Kong, shares his passion for art and his incredible journey into competing and teaching nail artistry. Growing up in Hong Kong, pursuing a career in art and nails was unconventional, but Pitt’s dedication and talent have propelled him to prominence in the nail art world.
Pitt’s journey took a significant turn when he trained under the mentorship of Sandy Cheung. He has traveled the world and learned many techniques working in Japan enriching his skills which inspired him to bring many innovative art skills back to A Formula salon in Hong Kong. Pitt’s enthusiasm for the craft extends beyond his own success; he is fervently committed to welcoming young men into the nail industry and aspires to mentor the next generation of male nail artists.
Watch this video to witness Pitt’s artistic journey, his dedication to education, and his mission to inspire more young men to explore the vibrant world of nail artistry.