Season 7, Sole to Soul

Your Personal Style

GlossaryLive Erica Sanae Sole To Soul Your Personal Style

sole to soul

Erica Sanae

Erica Sanae, LA-based fashion stylist and lifstyle guru, takes you on a journey into your closet to explain how inner growth and tranformation can be enhanced through your wardrobe. Learn what to edit from your current clothing collection, how to care for those forever pieces, what to look for when adding to the new you, and most importantly, how to put all of that together to feel great every day.

Your Personal Style

Now that your closet is managed, your inner goals are set, and you have purchased those missing peices, how do you dress the new you? Let Erica Sanae show you some simple steps to remember when putting together your outfits. She reviews how to accesssorize and dress up the most comfortable combinations. Looking great doesn't mean feeling uncomfortable. Try Erica's fashion advice tomorrow as you strut out of the house and into the salon.

"Creating an outfit can be as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4."



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