GlossaryLive Sole to Soul Tools to Align & Prosper Trish Rock

Tools to Align & Prosper

Tools to Align & Prosper

Trish Rock, in her latest publication The Peace Process, generously imparts invaluable wisdom by outlining five transformative steps aimed at manifesting the desired change in your life. Delve into her insightful guidance and explore these actionable steps, each meticulously crafted to empower you in aligning with the life path that beckons you. As you absorb Trish's teachings, consider how you can initiate these steps into your daily existence, paving the way towards a fulfilling and purpose-driven life journey. Embrace the opportunity to embark on a profound inner exploration, igniting the spark of transformation and embarking on the path towards personal growth and fulfillment.



GlossaryLive Erica Sanae Sole To Soul Your Personal Style

Your Personal Style

sole to soul

Erica Sanae

Erica Sanae, LA-based fashion stylist and lifstyle guru, takes you on a journey into your closet to explain how inner growth and tranformation can be enhanced through your wardrobe. Learn what to edit from your current clothing collection, how to care for those forever pieces, what to look for when adding to the new you, and most importantly, how to put all of that together to feel great every day.

Your Personal Style

Now that your closet is managed, your inner goals are set, and you have purchased those missing peices, how do you dress the new you? Let Erica Sanae show you some simple steps to remember when putting together your outfits. She reviews how to accesssorize and dress up the most comfortable combinations. Looking great doesn't mean feeling uncomfortable. Try Erica's fashion advice tomorrow as you strut out of the house and into the salon.

"Creating an outfit can be as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4."



GlossaryLive Erica Sanae Sole To Soul Retail Therapy

Retail Therapy

sole to soul

Erica Sanae

Erica Sanae, LA-based fashion stylist and lifstyle guru, takes you on a journey into your closet to explain how inner growth and tranformation can be enhanced through your wardrobe. Learn what to edit from your current clothing collection, how to care for those forever pieces, what to look for when adding to the new you, and most importantly, how to put all of that together to feel great every day.


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video and so much more educational content.

Retail Therapy

Now that you spent the time clearing and culling the extra noise from your closet and your vision of the new you, don’t add more back in. Erica Sanae, LA-based fashion stylist teaches you how to buy to fill a need, for an event, or if it brings you closer to your goals. She explains how you can shop any time for any reason, but teaches not to buy unnecessarily. She identifies how shopping to fill an emotional void or being just plain bored can take you right back to the starting line. It's time to learn to shop for timeless, seasonless items all year round so you’re not pressured into a purchase. With her advice, you will have the luxury of time to shop for the best pieces at the best prices.

"Ensure you have the basic building blocks in your wardrobe."



GlossaryLive Erica Sanae Sole To Soul Face The Mirror

Face The Mirror

sole to soul

Erica Sanae

Erica Sanae, LA-based fashion stylist and lifstyle guru, takes you on a journey into your closet to explain how inner growth and tranformation can be enhanced through your wardrobe. Learn what to edit from your current clothing collection, how to care for those forever pieces, what to look for when adding to the new you, and most importantly, how to put all of that together to feel great every day.


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video and so much more educational content.

Face The Mirror

Is your wardrobe supporting the life that you want? Journey through your closet with Erica Sanae, LA-based fashion stylist and lifestyle guru, and clear out pieces that are keeping you trapped in a negative mindset. Learn what to keep, what to toss and how to live in the moment and embrace what fits who you are and the body you have now. Understand how clothes should fit, so you know what to edit and what to keep!

"When editing your closet, if it's not an immediate yes, it's a NO!"



GlossaryLive Erica Sanae Sole To Soul Who Are You?

Who Are You?

sole to soul

Erica Sanae

Erica Sanae, LA-based fashion stylist and lifstyle guru, takes you on a journey into your closet to explain how inner growth and tranformation can be enhanced through your wardrobe. Learn what to edit from your current clothing collection, how to care for those forever pieces, what to look for when adding to the new you, and most importantly, how to put all of that together to feel great every day.


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video and so much more educational content.

Who Are You?

Personal style is an outer extension of your true self, which starts from within. Clothing is a powerful tool that is a visual representation of our sense of self and identity. The clothes you wear can influence or dictate your mood, it’s a scientifically proven term called enclothed cognition, so choose wisely. Embrace the evolution to the new and improved you by considering who you have been, where you are now and where you want to be. Understand the questions to consider as you take the steps towards inner and outer transformation.

"Dress for the job you want, not the one you have."