Hi, I'm Alisha Rimando and welcome to Hot Products.
This is the show where we get to search all over the world to find some really great products.
That will make your life easier and we have a special gift from Red Iguana that came in the mail today, and I'm kind of excited to see what's inside of here.
We've met April Ryan and we've done an interview with her and she was so kind to send us some things.
that we could play with.
This is crazy.
Look at all this stuff that's in here.
First off, I think I'm going need this, I think these are some directions.
because this looks like it's a silicone 3D mold and I'm thinking that you get to put some gel polish in it and we get to build some 3D nail art with gel polish.
I don't know, we're gonna have to go down to the salon and try this, but she's also sent some really cool.let's get this open, because this is some really beautiful packaging.
Let's check it out.
She has sent us some beautiful gel polishes.
Red and black, oh, perfect, these are the colors I love.
Somebody knew what I like.pink, white, red, black perfect.
and a really beautiful gold nail art brush.
Let's just check that out for one second.
Oh, wow.
Look at that pretty thing.
Okay, so there's all kinds of fun stuff in here to try.
There's some pigments in here and it looks like there might be some magnetic pigments.
So I think that we need to head down to the salon and give this stuff a try.
So we're going to try this Red Iguana gel polish and I'm going to try it in white.
White's always the tricky one because it can be really streaky, but this looks really pretty. It also looks like it's got really heavy pigment.
So it may not streak.
Let's see what happens.
And usually with gel polish, if you get a little bit of streaking on the first coat, that's fine.
You really do want to make it as thin as possible, to make sure it cures all the way through.
I've never used this before, so hopefully we'll have a nice even cure.
So now we're going to do the Red Iguana No Wipe Gel Top Coat.
So now we have that really cool silicone mold from Red Iguana and we've got the Red Iguana gel polish in Passion, the red one, and then there's also a Red Iguana top coat that you need to mix with it.
So I'm just going to get a little tray here and I'm going to add a couple drops.
So basically I think it's about a 50:50 ratio, because you want it to be sheer.
Add a little bit of clear so you can get a good cure on it.
So I'm going to drop that on here.
I don't want to get any of that red on my top coat.
So I'm going to get a little bit more out.
That looks like about a 50:50 ratio.
And because this is so heavily pigmented, I think even if you put a little bit more of that clear, rather than the red, that might be a good thing so I'm going to mix this together. And then you're supposed to be able to paint it right inside that silicone mold.
So that we can cure it and pop out some roses.
So let's see how that works.
So we're going to take the silicone mold and you're supposed to go inside here.
I guess and get the product inside and paint in there and then fill it.
so I'm just going to try to paint inside these holes.
So I guess you can see it from this side.
It looks as though, I need to put in a lot more.
I'm going to mix some more of this and just paint it in.
So I'm just mixing and I wanted to build a few of these at a time and what's so weird, is do you see how that just keeps like static cling or something? Every time I go in there, when I pull something out, it just splatters on its own.
It's so weird.
So I've noticed that I have to look at it from the other side to see where the holes are.
And in that bow it needs to go over here.
So you have to push it down into the little holes that didn't get anything on them and make sure all of the bows, like everything's filled in.
It looks like that bow still needs a little push the product right inside.
So there's no air bubbles just fill in the rest of these holes.
I'm just going to take my mixture of gel and the gel polish and you can tell how heavily pigmented this gel polish is, it really.
you can put quite a bit of the clear in there and it'll still be red.
So you don't have to worry about mixing it too thin and it not being the color you want it to be.
It's definitely a lot of pigment in the color itself and I'm just going to make sure that that fills up completely, popping these air bubbles that look like they're going on the surface.
So now I'm going to go ahead and cure.
So I cured for about a minute and a half and that didn't seem to do it.
But now I've cured it for another 60-seconds and it looks like everything is cured completely.
So, and then you're supposed to be able to pop these cute little things right on out.
So let's see what happened.
Wow, look how pretty that is? Well, how you doing.
April Ryan.
How cute is this? Little guy.
Okay, so he needs a little bit of trimming.
But what a great little concept if you make these in advance when you're sitting the salon and not doing anything.
And you know you can keep them to the side and wait for your clients.
Let's see what this bow comes out and then you can charge for them when they come in.
Oh my goodness, look how cute that is?
So yeah, I think that you know a little pair of scissors or I'm all about using a little pair of nippers sometimes, because I just like to do that and I could just snip away these little pieces on the edges.
And make this nice and clean.
I mean these things are so little bitty tiny, but they have so much dimension.
So I'm just finishing trimming up these little roses and they are so very cute.
This big one is so pretty.
You can really see the detail.
It looks like this guy had just a teeny air pocket in there and it made it to where, it doesn't have a little piece.
So I was.
I think that's the trick is to try to push all of the product into any of those little air pockets and check for that before you finish curing, so you don't get that, you know that little empty spot.
But otherwise, these are super cute and I am ready to get them on some nails.
So now that we have our little bow, cut the little extra pieces off the bottom from the mold, and I think that kind of helps to make it perfect like you want, and then you see there's a little bar across there.
So I'm going to take a little bit of the non-wipe top coat.
I'm going to put a little bit right there, on that and then we can place our our bow on the nail.
And then go ahead and put that in the light to cure.
So we've cured that for 60-seconds and then I'm going to take our little roses, and again on the back side, I need to take a pair of nippers and just trim off the excess around the bottom.
So I'm going to bring the nail back in and again, a little bit of top coat, and I'm just going to add this right over here in the corner.
That'll look kind of cute, a little bit of that non-wipe top coat, and grab my roses and place them on.
And we'll put that in the light for another 60-seconds.
So I've also received this little thing.
It's called the Red Iguana Sealing Gem Gel and it's supposed to be for in between your gems to seal them in and hold them, and I think this would be a great product to use around the roses, just to give them a little bit more strength.
So let's try that.
So that was so much fun to play with those products from Red Iguana.
You can make this stuff when you're not doing anything else in the salon and you're waiting for your next client and then have all of those roses waiting and also little bows.
So there was a lot of fun stuff that you can do with Red Iguana and you know what that pigmented polish.
It was really heavy and nice and I really like that too.
So thank you so much Red Iguana for sending us your stuff to review on Hot Products and we'll see you next time.
Silicone 3D Molds by Red Iguana
Red Iguana just changed the 3D Nail Art game by releasing these easy to use silicone molds. Made by the same April Ryan who made a multi-million dollar company out of creating a silicone replica of her own hand, these silicone molds will save you hours of time in the salon, since these 3D art pieces can be made well in advance of your client’s arrival. Find out how easy these silicone molds can be to make at your nail desk in this episode of Hot Products.