The Magnificence of Gratitude

Empower World’s philosophy is to support individuals & organizations to be the best they can be & to ensure they are aligned with their truth. As professional credentialed coaches, the team at Empower World focuses on delivering highly interactive, experiential, professional training, workshops, events & coaching. Founders, Jeanine Bailey & Marie Quigley have respectively over 25 & 27 years experience working with multi-national, blue chip & influential organizations in Qatar, the UK & Australia.

Tap into the Wise & Powerful Part of You

Empower World’s philosophy is to support individuals & organizations to be the best they can be & to ensure they are aligned with their truth. As professional credentialed coaches, the team at Empower World focuses on delivering highly interactive, experiential, professional training, workshops, events & coaching. Founders, Jeanine Bailey & Marie Quigley have respectively over 25 & 27 years experience working with multi-national, blue chip & influential organizations in Qatar, the UK & Australia.

Recognizing the Saboteur Inside Your Head

Empower World’s philosophy is to support individuals & organizations to be the best they can be & to ensure they are aligned with their truth. As professional credentialed coaches, the team at Empower World focuses on delivering highly interactive, experiential, professional training, workshops, events & coaching. Founders, Jeanine Bailey & Marie Quigley have respectively over 25 & 27 years experience working with multi-national, blue chip & influential organizations in Qatar, the UK & Australia.

What is a Life Coach & Why Do We Need One?

Empower World’s philosophy is to support individuals & organizations to be the best they can be & to ensure they are aligned with their truth. As professional credentialed coaches, the team at Empower World focuses on delivering highly interactive, experiential, professional training, workshops, events & coaching. Founders, Jeanine Bailey & Marie Quigley have respectively over 25 & 27 years experience working with multi-national, blue chip & influential organizations in Qatar, the UK & Australia.