Blooming Blood Rose

Lauren Wireman

Educator and award-winning nail artist, Lauren Wireman, demonstrates how to simply & quickly style what appears as a complicated free style rose design, using the ‘cinnamon swirl’ as her tool of inspiration.

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  • Wildflowers Bloom Gel
  • Gold Brush
  • Wildflowers Void black Gel Polish
  • Wildflowers Tissue Paper Gel Polish
  • Wildlflowers Top Coat Gel


Prepare & shape the nail tip, then apply two coats of Void black gel polish & cure each layer.

GlossaryLive Tag That Trend Blooming Blood Rose Step 1

Apply a coat of Wildflowers Bloom Gel to the nail. Use Wildflowers Tissue Paper gel polish and its Gold brush to apply a swirl or ‘cinnamon bun’ into the un-cured bloom gel.

Apply a dot of Tissue Paper white gel polish above the swirl & pull a line out to the left & to the right of the swirl. Make sure these lines ‘hug the cinnamon bun swirl.

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Repeat the process as you start shaping a rose.

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Keep repeating the process as the rose takes its form right across the nail tip, then cure.

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Apply Wildflowers Red Glass Gel then fully cure. Finish with Wildflowers Top Coat Gel & cure.




Prep the natural nail using a 180-grit file, remove dust. Apply “Prep It!”, then two thin coats of Flex It! “Cover Peach”, curing each coat for 60-seconds.

Prep Apply a thin, even coat of HD Pro “Matt It!” Cure for 60-seconds.

Use the HD Pro Long liner brush and HD Pro Art Gel in “Graphite” to create a wavy line. Cure for 30-seconds, then rub line with a dusting brush.