SUBUNGUAL HEMATOMA [subuhng-gwuhl hee-ma-toh-muh]

What it is: AKA bruised nail; blood that appears black or purple under the nail plate usually caused by trauma to the finger or toe, that eventually heals and grows out.


STICKERS [stik-ers]

What it is: Made in various thicknesses from vinyl or other plastics with a nail design on one side and adhesive on the other.
How to use it: Used for quick and easy nail art in the salon.
How to apply it: Pull off backing, place with tweezers and cover in top coat.
How to store it: nail art, tweezers, decals, fast art, salon art, quick art.


STERILIZATION [ster-uh-luh-zey-shuhn]

What it is: Process of making something free from pathogens by use of very high temperatures and pressurized steam.
How to use it: Procedure used on metal implements between clients in an autoclave, required by some authorities governing licensing.


SPLIT COMPLEMENTARY [split kom-pluh-men-tuh-ree]

What it is: A color scheme that consists of three colors. The main color and the two colors laying on either side of the complementary color, which sits opposite on the color wheel.
How to use it: Used when creating a color palette for nail art.


SOAK-OFF GELS [sohk-of-jels]

What it is: A chip-resistent brush-on pigmented oligomer in an opaque bottle or pot that cures when exposed to UV or LED light.
How to use it: Developed to create long-lasting, durable nail color. Use on clients that want a chip-resistent polish for 2-3 weeks of wear. Dries immediately once cured.
How to apply it: Apply onto natural or artificial nails with a gel brush from a pot or bottle. Can also be used for nail art designs. Cure as recmmended from the manufacturer’s instructions.
How to remove it: Disolve with acetone or product remove according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
How to store it: Store with lids tightly closed in a cool, dry place and keep away from heat and light.


SOAK-OFF GEL POLISH [sohk-of-jel-pol-ish]

What it is: A chip-resistent brush-on pigmented oligomer in an opaque bottle or pot that cures when exposed to UV or LED light.
How to use it: Developed to create long-lasting, durable nail color. Use on clients that want a chip-resistent polish for 2-3 weeks of wear. Dries immediately once cured.
How to apply it: Apply onto natural or artificial nails with a gel brush from a pot or bottle. Can also be used for nail art designs. Cure as recmmended from the manufacturer’s instructions.
How to remove it: Disolve with acetone or product remove according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
How to store it: Store with lids tightly closed in a cool, dry place and keep away from heat and light.


SMILE LINE [smahyl-lahyn]

What it is: The curved line of demarcation which is created at the hyponychium where the pink nail plate and the natural free edge (white extension) meet each other. Often used when referring to a French manicured look.


SIDEWALL [sahyd-wawl]

What it is: The term used to describe the sides of an artificial nail from cuticle area to extension edge.
How to use it: The lines of the artificial nail should create a straight or tapered line from the cuticle area to extension edge when looking at the nail from above.