UREA [yoo-REE-uh]

What it is: An organic compound that has a superhydrating effect on skin cells. This emollient improves the appearance of dry, rough skin by hydrating and smoothing the epidermis while also sloughing away dead skin cells.
How to use it: Synthetically formulated and used in skincare products for its moisturizing and natural, gentle exfoliating properties. Urea is found in footcare products as it’s an anti-itch ingredient, so offers relief while, soothing and hydrating the skin.


Glossary Live Glossary Term Moisturizer


Glossary Live Glossary Term Moisturizer

MOISTURIZER [moisCHəˌrīzər]

What it is: A preparation (such as a lotion or cream) applied to the skin to prevent or relieve dryness.
How to use it: Used in nail services to help treat dry skin and prevent it from drying out again. Moisturizers do this by holding water in the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the skin. (Lanolin, the conditioning secretion from sheep’s skin found in their wool, is an ingredient used in many skin and hair care products used for its moisturizing ability.)