Follow the Yeon-jung Yoo's nine-steps to creating this detailed nail design using a nail art pen to draw out the fine lines of the paisley design

Fall Paisley

Fall Paisley

Yeon-jung Yoo

Yeon-jung Yoo is an Emi Korea master designer & the owner of the Fin & Toe Nail Salon. Yeon-jung graduated from Tokyo Mode in Japan then began work as a fashion designer. The nail industry was calling her, & after she completed EMi School in Korea, she went on to study an art professor course at the Emi School in Russia. A master in nail design & education, Yeon-jung teaches nail students at the EMi School in South Korea.


  • File
  • E.Mi Lac UV/LED Base Gel
  • E.Mi Lac Slider UV/LED Top Gel
  • E.Mi Velvet UV/LED Top Gel
  • E.Mi Empasta (Alpine Snow, White Rafinad)
  • E.Mi Gel Paint (Milk Cacao, Black Tulip, Biscay, Potter’s Clay)
  • Gel Brush(Liner)
  • Gel Cleaner
  • Pigma Pen
  • LED Lamp


File and shape your chosen nail tip.

Appy base UV/LED gel and cure.

Apply Emi Milk Cacao UV/LED gel polish and cure.

Apply non-wipe Velvet UV/LED top gel and cure.

Draw a paisley motif using a Pigma nail art pen.

Apply Slider UV/LED Top Gel and cure, then wipe off the sticky inhibition layer.

Draw a border around the nail tip using Biscay and Potter’s Clay UV/LED colors and cure.

Draw a line inside the border using Black Tulip UV/LED color and cure.

Apply non-wipe Velvet UV/LED Top Gel and cure.

Place dots along the border using white UV/LED gel polish with a liner to complete the design, then cure.




Prep the natural nail using a 180-grit file, remove dust. Apply “Prep It!”, then two thin coats of Flex It! “Cover Peach”, curing each coat for 60-seconds.

Prep Apply a thin, even coat of HD Pro “Matt It!” Cure for 60-seconds.

Use the HD Pro Long liner brush and HD Pro Art Gel in “Graphite” to create a wavy line. Cure for 30-seconds, then rub line with a dusting brush.

Catherine Wong's love of colored acrylics & ability to create mini masterpieces in 3D structures means she's a world-renowned educator & champion nail artist.

Semi-Precious Stone

Semi-Precious Stone

Catherine Wong

Catherine Wong’s curiosity for nail design was piqued after seeing nail art in Japanese nail magazines. This was over 20 years ago & led to Catherine training in the art of nails. A creative soul with an entrepreneurial spirit, Cat found she had an innate skill for art & a passion for teaching. With her love of colored acrylics & her ability to create mini masterpieces in 3D raised structures, Catherine became a world-renowned educator, she’s a champion nail artist, published author in both books & an expert contributor to trade & consumer magazines, international judge, cover artist, product developer, course creator, certified essential oil specialist & has moved her talents & flair for art into the world of cake decorating as a certified teacher & into floral design too.


  • Transfer Foils
  • UV/LED Gel Polish in White, Natural Brown and Clear
  • Fluorescent UV/LED Gel Polish in Pink and Blue
  • UV/LED Gel Top Coat


Etch and prep the nail tip. Prepare nail transfer foils in various colors.

Prepare UV/LED gel polish colors in white, natural brown and clear.

Dilute the UV/LED gel colors in clear gel to reduce the intensity of their opacity for the background.

Apply 2 coats of this color mixture onto the nail after applying UV/LED base gel. Cure each layer.

Seal the UV/LED gel polish with a clear UV/LED gel (with tacky finish) in preparation for foil transfer design.

Place transfer foils randomly on the nail tip (focusing on the center strip).

Mix fluorescent blue UV/LED gel polish with clear UV/LED gel and apply over some areas to highlight the foils. Cure.

Mix fluorescent pink UV/LED gel polish with clear UV/LED gel and apply over empty areas and where foils have been placed to enhance the design. Cure.

Seal the entire nail tip with matte UV/LED gel top coat. Cure.

Wipe off the dispersion layer after curing and the nail tip design will now have a matte finish.

Dilute white watercolor paint to create a gem in the middle of the nail. Remove excess water with a dry brush to reveal a natural outline created by the watercolor paint.

Apply another random strip diagonally with white watercolor paint.

Use the tip of your brush to extract excess water without rubbing the paint away.

Repeat this process to ensure that water is extracted, while leaving behind the imprint of the watercolor.

Apply another strip diagonally over the top section.

Use the tip of your brush to extract excess water without rubbing the paint off.

Repeat the process.

Ensure the paint is dry before sealing the entire nail with a UV/LED gel top coat for a high shine. Cure.

Apply a thick black UV/LED gel paint to outline the nail, cure for 10-15 seconds (ensure that he gel is cured yet still tacky).

Transfer gold foil onto the black UV/LED gel, which has been cured, yet is still tacky in order to receive the foil.

Enhance the design with gold glitter UV/LED gel at the top and bottom of the design. Cure and seal again with UV/LED gel top coat where necessary.

The finished design. This abstract design highlights many layered dimensions and colors to go with your daily style and is excellent as a feature design either on your pedicures for the big toe or the index/ring finger on manicures.




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  • Transfer Foils
  • UV/LED Gel Polish in White, Natural Brown and Clear
  • Fluorescent UV/LED Gel Polish in Pink and Blue
  • UV/LED Gel Top Coat

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Want to see your nail art featured on Tag That Trend? Our team is excited to see your work and get you published. Contact us for details.

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Follow the detailed step-by-step for these Nailympia Mexico first place poster art nails by Daniel Neyra, so you too can create a set of extreme styled nails.

Baroque Nails

Baroque Nails

Daniel Neyra

Born in Mexico City, Daniel Neyra changed his career path into nails to try something different. “I’ve always liked nail designs & wanted to design them myself, so I moved into nails & it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. In 2019 I took a course with Dafne Fernandez, who became my mentor. I fell in love with nails when I met her & got hooked. For me, to work in nails represents constancy, effort & enthusiasm. I think the secret to success is practice, study & updating skills, because everything is constantly changing, so if you don’t practice, you’ll not reach your goals.”  Recently Daniel competed at Nailympia Mexico. “I’m so proud I took part, as I won first place in one of my favorite categories, Extreme Nails Poster. To enter required much research around the theme to avoid doing something out of context & it paid off.” Currently, Daniel owns the Black Magic Nails studio.


  • Nail Forms
  • Stanzy Lollipop Concealer- Acrylic Powder
  • Baroque Molds
  • Nail Resin
  • Airbrush


Customize two nail forms and join them together to create the necessary length you’ve chosen. Then carefully apply to the fingernail.

Sculpt an elongated almond nail plate to create the base and initial structure of the nail. Continue sculpting along the form until you have created the length you desire.

Remove the nail form and file until you have achieved a smooth and lean structure to the nail.

Take your chosen silicone molds and fill them carefully with liquid & powder beads using your brush. Wait approximately 5 minutes for the product to polymerize. Once the product has set, you can carefully pull away the structures from the mould.

Stick the structures together with nail resin and then apply to the stiletto nail.

Paint and decorate the extreme nail with your chosen colors according to the theme you’re working around. Make sure everything is perfectly fashioned and adhered before decorating. Airbrushing adds no weight to the structure, gives seamless coverage and will spray easily into tiny areas, so it’s a great choice for this type of work as it results in a better finish.




Prep the natural nail using a 180-grit file, remove dust. Apply “Prep It!”, then two thin coats of Flex It! “Cover Peach”, curing each coat for 60-seconds.

Prep Apply a thin, even coat of HD Pro “Matt It!” Cure for 60-seconds.

Use the HD Pro Long liner brush and HD Pro Art Gel in “Graphite” to create a wavy line. Cure for 30-seconds, then rub line with a dusting brush.

Learn color fading techniques in combination with crystals and bullion with Charlie Aguilar to create this simply elegant look for your clients.

Faded Bling

Faded Bling

Color fading techniques can be used alone or combined with embellishments like foil, crystals and bullion to create a quick and glamorous look for your clients. Learn this simple ombre design with Charlie Aguilar, then try it with various color graduations, embellishments and foils to create a unique look all your own!




Check out this hot product from Katie Barnes that films or photographs your nail creations.

Katie Barnes KB Glow

Katie Barnes Box

Do you want to film or photograph your nail creations? Then check this hot product out that was innovated to do just that!



Upgrade a French nail art look with golden line art creating a elegant look for any client with Aigul Fritzke.

French Masquerade

French Masquerade

Upgrading French nails is a simple way to add more looks to your salon nail art samples. Cool lines in any shade with unique swirls can take your French to a whole new level. Learn an easy French look using golden line art with Aigul Fritske. This fast and easy French can be done in any color or glitter, or even made 3D. So open your mind to upgrading your French look to oooh-la-la.




Have questions, ask Emese!! Subscribers will have the opportunity to attend a LIVE forum to

Q&A with Emese Koppányi


Q&A with Emese Koppányi

Alex Fox interviews Emese on the topic of creating the perfect pink & white nails.  They discuss sculpting and tip & overlay techniques used to create perfect competition French nails.
This Ask Emese Q&A live event invited GlossaryLive subscribers to the private Zoom forum to ask questions on the topic of nail competitions & beyond. Watch the Q&A with Alex & Emese here.


View all Master Class videos



If you're obsessed with glitter, then this hot product is for you!

Mithmillo Cake Gel

Mithmillo Cake Gel

If you’re obsessed with glitter, then this hot product is for you! This innovation of cake gel is all fun with no run.



World class champion nail artist, educator & international judge, Jeanette Ulriksen, runs a nail salon, academy & nail product distribution center from her base in Denmark

Lord of the Jungle

Lord of the Jungle

Jeanette Ulriksen

Jeanette began her nail journey after attending a basic nail course in acrylic. During this course she was offered a job as a nail tech & within six months, had taken all the required classes to become a master educator. Keen to stretch herself, Jeanette jumped on the competition circuit & won a wealth of medals in French & gel sculpture, mixed media & educator skills. Running her own salon & nail school in Denmark, Jeanette has educated & mentored several nail techs that have gone onto win medals all over the world. In 2013 Jeanette became an international judge, styles nails for magazine step-by-step tutorials & cover pictures, owns a distribution company, academy & a professional team of educators & ambassadors.

World class champion nail artist, educator & international judge, Jeanette Ulriksen, runs a nail salon, academy & nail product distribution center from her base in Denmark.


  • Transfer Foils
  • HUV/LED Gel Polish in White, Natural Brown and Clear
  • Fluorescent UV/LED Gel Polish in Pink and Blue
  • Matte UV/LED Top Coat Gel


GlossaryLive Tag That Trend Lord of the Jungle Step 01 by Jeanette Ulriksen

Apply 2 layers of Be Jeweled UV/LED gel polish 02 in black. Apply UV/LED gel matte top coat to the set of nail tips. Cure.

GlossaryLive Tag That Trend Lord of the Jungle Step 02b by Jeanette Ulriksen

Paint the lion portrait with White Liner Gel (UV/LED Art Gel). Cure.

GlossaryLive Tag That Trend Lord of the Jungle Step 03 by Jeanette Ulriksen

Apply color drops 01,02,03,04,05,07,08 and 09 to give the lion color (Color Ink). Paint in the eyes with Pro and Go 23 and Pro and Go 26 (UV/LED Art Gel in blue and green Colors). Cure.

GlossaryLive Tag That Trend Lord of the Jungle Step 02 by Jeanette Ulriksen

Paint white dots in the lion’s eyes with white Liner Gel (UV/LED Art Gel). Paint black details with black liner gel (UV/LED Art Gel). Cure. Apply 2 coats of UV/LED high shine top coat. Cure. Then you have the final result.




Prep the natural nail using a 180-grit file, remove dust. Apply “Prep It!”, then two thin coats of Flex It! “Cover Peach”, curing each coat for 60-seconds.

Prep Apply a thin, even coat of HD Pro “Matt It!” Cure for 60-seconds.

Use the HD Pro Long liner brush and HD Pro Art Gel in “Graphite” to create a wavy line. Cure for 30-seconds, then rub line with a dusting brush.

Jai reveals her daily ritual that maintained her mental health in the nail salon.

The Power of the Nail Tech: Compassion & Protecting Your Mindset

The Power of the Nail Tech: Compassion & Protecting Your Mindset

Nail techs enjoy the most intimate of relationship with their clients. During a service, while holding hands & bonding through general chatter, a true connection & trust is built. The role is steeped in care & compassion for the client. However, who looks after the tech’s welfare?Jai reveals her daily ritual that maintained her mental health in the nail salon.