Cleanse & Revitalize your Energy

sole to soul

Inga Lamb

Inga Lamb, Your Inner Healer, utilizes shamanic healing to solve the mental health pandemic and cure our ‘burnout’ crisis. A fully trained shaman and a teacher for 22 years, Inga is passionate about healing and setting troubled beings free from trauma. In this mini series she highlights quick and easy techniques to alleviate and release tension and anxiety in order to perform to the best of your ability for you and your clients in the salon.

Cleanse & Revitalize your Energy

Explore two powerful techniques to protect and cleanse you from other people’s energy. When we come into contact with another person, we exchange energy. This is a natural process, but when this energy is low, it can be draining on our energy reserves. Working with clients in close proximity means you need to protect your energy field with the golden cloak exercise and cleanse your working space. When a client leaves, they can leave some of their energy behind, use this technique to do a quick cleanse of the space.

"There are easy practices you can do, that take just minutes, that will help you engergize & release tension before, during or after your day in the salon."



Quiet The Body, Mind & Soul

sole to soul

Inga Lamb

Inga Lamb, Your Inner Healer, utilizes shamanic healing to solve the mental health pandemic and cure our ‘burnout’ crisis. A fully trained shaman and a teacher for 22 years, Inga is passionate about healing and setting troubled beings free from trauma. In this mini series she highlights quick and easy techniques to alleviate and release tension and anxiety in order to perform to the best of your ability for you and your clients in the salon.


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Quiet The Body, Mind & Soul

Explore meditation and its ability to quieten the mind. The simple act of closing our eyes, signals the body to relax, as we do not close our eyes when we’re in danger. Therefore, shutting your eyes for 5-minutes signals to the body that you're safe and you're setting an intention to release stress from the body. The more you do this, the more the body becomes comfortable in this state. This simple 5-minute meditation can be done anytime, anywhere.

"There are easy practices you can do, that take just minutes, that will help you engergize & release tension before, during or after your day in the salon."



Explore Your Chakra Energy System

sole to soul

Inga Lamb

Inga Lamb, Your Inner Healer, utilizes shamanic healing to solve the mental health pandemic and cure our ‘burnout’ crisis. A fully trained shaman and a teacher for 22 years, Inga is passionate about healing and setting troubled beings free from trauma. In this mini series she highlights quick and easy techniques to alleviate and release tension and anxiety in order to perform to the best of your ability for you and your clients in the salon.


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Explore Your Chakra Energy System

Inga explores the chakra energy center system; its colors and ability to balance the body. Starting at the Root chakra associated with grounding, moving to the Sacral chakra, our pleasure, joy and sense of balance center, working to the Solar Plexus chakra, the Heart, Throat, Third Eye and ending at the Crown chakra, found at the top of the skull, which connects to the divine and spirituality.

"There are easy practices you can do, that take just minutes, that will help you engergize & release tension before, during or after your day in the salon."



Daily Practices for Enhanced Wellbeing

sole to soul

Inga Lamb

Inga Lamb, Your Inner Healer, utilizes shamanic healing to solve the mental health pandemic and cure our ‘burnout’ crisis. A fully trained shaman and a teacher for 22 years, Inga is passionate about healing and setting troubled beings free from trauma. In this mini series she highlights quick and easy techniques to alleviate and release tension and anxiety in order to perform to the best of your ability for you and your clients in the salon.


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Daily Practices for Enhanced Wellbeing

Quick go-to exercises as part of your daily routine, can help you feel empowered, as you quickly re-balance your energies and give yourself a boost. Inga starts with a simple tapping routine to wake up your energy and help release any stored tension. Inga then demonstrates how to let go of unwanted tension using sound vibration. This is followed by connecting to the reflexology points on the feet and hands, for a quick re-boot of your energy levels.

"There are easy practices you can do, that take just minutes, that will help you engergize & release tension before, during or after your day in the salon."