PHALANGES [fuh-lan-jeez]

What it is: The bones that make up the fingers and toes. The fingertip bone, which determines the overall length, shape, curvature and spread of the nail unit. Each hand and foot has 14 phalanges. Each finger and toe has three, except for the thumbs and big toes that house two phalanges.



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PEDICURE [PED-ih-kyoor]

What it is: A cosmetic service performed on the feet by a licensed cosmetologist or nail professional. Can include exfoliating the skin and callus reduction, as well as trimming, shaping and polishing toenails; a pedicure often includes foot massage and can have luxury add-ons for a more specialist treatment such as paraffin wax, heated booties, masques.
Why to use it: A therapeutic service that removes dead and hard callused skin, while shaping and treating toenail conditions. Can be cosmetic and for pampering purposes as well as for physical improvement.


NAIL POLISH [neyl-pol-ish]

What it is: AKA lacquer, enamel. A bottle & brush formula of polymer resins, plastisizers, solvents & pigments that create a hard, flexible nail coating.
How to use it: Used to beautify or strengthen the nail.

How to apply it: Most often used with a base coat, then 2 layers of color, then finished with a shiny or matte top coat.

How to remove it: Apply acetone or polish remover on a cotton pad, then gently press to the nail & slowly pull off the nail polish towards the free edge.

How to store it: Store with lids tightly closed in a cool, dry place & keep away from heat & light.