Will Heisman Trophy Winner, Caleb Williams, Don Nail Art for the NFL Draft on April 25th?


Will Heisman Trophy Winner, Caleb Williams, Don Nail Art for the NFL Draft on April 25th?

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Article by Karen Gainey | Published in 2024

In the world of sports, intimidation tactics are as old as time itself. From ancient Babylonian warriors to modern-day athletes, the psychological game is just as crucial as the physical one. Enter Caleb Williams, the football phenom who’s not only dominating on the field but also making waves with his unexpected style statement: nail art.

Drawing inspiration from the ancient warriors who used ground minerals to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies, Williams has found his own unique way to demoralize opponents. In an interview with USC legend Matt Leinart on CBS, Williams revealed that his mom’s career as a nail technician has been a lifelong influence. “It’s just kind of always been around me. Nobody else does it. I just kinda like to do new things,” he shared.

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For Williams, nail art isn’t just a fashion statement—it’s a mindset. “You gotta keep your hands fresh,” he emphasized. “This is where all the gold comes from.” With each game, Williams adorns his nails with a new message, sending a clear signal to his adversaries: he’s here to dominate, both on and off the field.

And the results speak for themselves. Williams’s unconventional approach to self-expression hasn’t gone unnoticed. With his stellar performance, he’s not only in the running for a second Heisman Trophy but also a potential first-round pick for the Bears—an impressive feat for any athlete.


At GlossaryLive, we celebrate trendsetters like Caleb Williams who aren’t afraid to push the boundaries and redefine what it means to be a sports icon. His boldness, both in his game and his style, serves as a reminder that greatness knows no limits—and sometimes, it’s the unexpected touches that leave the greatest impact.

Hazel Dixon

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Hazel Dixon

Nail design by Hazel Dixon of the Hazel Dixon Nail Artist Academy, Thetford, Norfolk, UK
Hazel Dixon trained in nails in 2006 & soon after began competing across the globe. She has won over 25 awards and is in the Scratch Stars Hall of Fame. Currently her HD Professional nail education team has won Nail Team of the Year for three consecutive years & moved into the Hall of Fame in 2021. The title ‘UK Nail Professional of the Year’ has also been bestowed upon Hazel twice in recent years. Hazel is the Akzentz distributor for the UK & has developed her own nails brand, HD Professional.


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