MET Gala Inspired Nail Designs


GlossaryLive Celebrates The “Sleeping Beauties” Of Fashion With The Met Gala Ball Creating Inspired Nail Designs

Article by Alisha Rimando | Published in 2024

GlossaryLive, a leading platform dedicated to nail education and artistry, has intertwined the worlds of fashion and nail design inspired by the prestigious Met Gala on May 6th.  By drawing upon the rich history and beauty of iconic couture dresses that will be on display, GlossaryLive aims to ignite creativity and pay homage to the timeless elegance of these garments with stunning nail art interpretations.

At the heart of this innovative celebration GlossaryLive has chosen five legendary couture dresses that have left an indelible mark on the world of fashion. The ethereal black Evening Cloak of colored tulips by Charles Frederick Worth circa 1889 embodies sophistication and grace, serving as a muse for intricate hand painted nail designs by Aigul Fritzke that capture its enchanting allure.

Watch Worth inspired nail design

The avant-garde Alexander McQueen clam dress from Spring 2001 inspired Alisha Rimando to create a delicate ocean inspired nail look showcasing organic shell shapes while adding a splash of texture.

Watch McQueen inspired nail design

The crystal and sequined layered Christian Dior ball gown circa 1949 inspired Fritzke to infuse jewels in her nail artistry to offer regal elegance with a touch of glamour for this and the hand stitched Victorian-inspired ruffled ball gown by Charles Frederick Worth circa 1887.  Both ball gowns provide a rich tapestry of inspiration for nail artists to explore and reinterpret.

Watch Dior inspired nail design

Watch Worth inspired nail design

The textured floral fabric on the Evening ensemble from Ninca Ricci, circa 1958 evoked a multitude of nail art mediums for Alisha Rimando.  “Texture always inspires me,” Rimando explains, “I love to layer techniques.  For this look I started with a watercolor effect using blooming gel, and embossed circles onto the nail using acrylic.  Between layers I added hand-painted flowers and finished the nails with matte and gloss details to add even more depth and texture to the layers.”

Watch Ricci inspired nail design

As GlossaryLive anticipates the upcoming celebration of fashion, MET gala guests can anticipate a mesmerizing exhibition that showcases approximately 250 historically significant and aesthetically beautiful fashion pieces, each representing a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ of the MET Gala theme. These delicate and irreplaceable garments will be brought to life through innovative display techniques, inviting attendees to immerse themselves in a multisensory experience of these historical garments.

Through the transformative art of nail design, GlossaryLive invites enthusiasts to embark on a journey that transcends traditional boundaries, where couture dresses serve as the catalyst for artistic expression and ingenuity. Join us as we celebrate the magic of the MET Gala through the medium of nail art, where beauty, history, and creativity converge to create a truly unforgettable experience.

Will Heisman Trophy Winner, Caleb Williams, Don Nail Art for the NFL Draft on April 25th?


Will Heisman Trophy Winner, Caleb Williams, Don Nail Art for the NFL Draft on April 25th?

Keurig Dr Pepper

Article by Karen Gainey | Published in 2024

In the world of sports, intimidation tactics are as old as time itself. From ancient Babylonian warriors to modern-day athletes, the psychological game is just as crucial as the physical one. Enter Caleb Williams, the football phenom who’s not only dominating on the field but also making waves with his unexpected style statement: nail art.

Drawing inspiration from the ancient warriors who used ground minerals to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies, Williams has found his own unique way to demoralize opponents. In an interview with USC legend Matt Leinart on CBS, Williams revealed that his mom’s career as a nail technician has been a lifelong influence. “It’s just kind of always been around me. Nobody else does it. I just kinda like to do new things,” he shared.

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For Williams, nail art isn’t just a fashion statement—it’s a mindset. “You gotta keep your hands fresh,” he emphasized. “This is where all the gold comes from.” With each game, Williams adorns his nails with a new message, sending a clear signal to his adversaries: he’s here to dominate, both on and off the field.

And the results speak for themselves. Williams’s unconventional approach to self-expression hasn’t gone unnoticed. With his stellar performance, he’s not only in the running for a second Heisman Trophy but also a potential first-round pick for the Bears—an impressive feat for any athlete.


At GlossaryLive, we celebrate trendsetters like Caleb Williams who aren’t afraid to push the boundaries and redefine what it means to be a sports icon. His boldness, both in his game and his style, serves as a reminder that greatness knows no limits—and sometimes, it’s the unexpected touches that leave the greatest impact.

GlossaryLive Pro Tips Alex Fox Finding A Nail Mentor

Finding A Nail Mentor


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Finding A Nail Mentor

Have you honed your nail skills, got your education on point and enjoying a full appoointment book - yet something is missing? You're hungry, your creativity needs nourishing and your screaming out for some inspiration. Well worry no longer, sign up a nail mentor, a person who can guide and direct you down the path to many new and exciting industry avenues. Don't go stale and starve your imagination, there's so many possibilities out there and a nail mentor will show you the way that best suits you.




GlossaryLive Pro Tips Light Reflection Lindsey Karnopp

Where Innovation Begins


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Where Innovation Begins

Innovation and motivation can be hard to find when sitting at a desk. Alex Fox gives nail technicians advice on why it's important to get out of the salon and get involved. She provides insight into events happening around the world where you can join, spectate and fill up on new nail knowledge you won't find at home.


GlossaryLive Sole to Soul Michelle Arscott Power of Journaling

Power of Journaling

sole to soul

Michelle Arscott

To address a busy, stressful life, learn new ways to reframe the start of your day for more productive outcomes. Michelle reveals the power of setting good intentions and creating new habits for a more successul and happier life.

Power of Journaling

A recognised way to reduce stress and anxiety, journaling is a great way to channel and express your thoughts. Don't let your mind get clogged or your emotions trapped, a daily practice of journaling is a great way to organize your life, while helping ease away depression or worries. A key way to easily improve your mental health, use journaling to free yourself and your mind.

"Reduce your stress by journaling just a few minutes a day."



GlossaryLive Sole to Soul Michelle Arscott Power of Affirmations

Power of Affirmations

sole to soul

Michelle Arscott

To address a busy, stressful life, learn new ways to reframe the start of your day for more productive outcomes. Michelle reveals the power of setting good intentions and creating new habits for a more successul and happier life.


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Power of Affirmations

A stong contender for boosting anyone's negative thought cycle, affirmations have the power to motivate and bring more positive thought patterns to the mind. Using visualization techniques while speaking positive actions can have a hugely favorable affect on your neural pathways. Why not fire up the areas of the brain that make you happy using the ideas recommended by Michelle?

"Affirmations bring power to your mind."



GlossaryLive Sole to Soul Michelle Arscott Early Rise Exercise

Early Rise Exercise

sole to soul

Michelle Arscott

To address a busy, stressful life, learn new ways to reframe the start of your day for more productive outcomes. Michelle reveals the power of setting good intentions and creating new habits for a more successul and happier life.


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Early Rise Exercise

After waking, instead of reaching for the phone, consider the benefits of light exercise to start your day. By taking just 5 minutes to stretch and move your body, you are actively waking up your muscles, stimulating blood circulation and waking up your mind. A light or brisk walk will work wonders for your mind, body and soul.

"Morning exersice can be as easy as 5 minutes of stretching."



Importance of a Morning Routine

sole to soul

Michelle Arscott

To address a busy, stressful life, learn new ways to reframe the start of your day for more productive outcomes. Michelle reveals the power of setting good intentions and creating new habits for a more successul and happier life.


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Importance of a Morning Routine

Create a morning routine with daily habits to bring heightend productivity to your day. By creating a routine, you bring more confidence, peace and positivity to your day. Michelle Arscott presents simple ways to kick-start your morning to bring more success and joy to your day.

"A morning routine can help bring success to your life."



Quiet The Body, Mind & Soul

sole to soul

Inga Lamb

Inga Lamb, Your Inner Healer, utilizes shamanic healing to solve the mental health pandemic and cure our ‘burnout’ crisis. A fully trained shaman and a teacher for 22 years, Inga is passionate about healing and setting troubled beings free from trauma. In this mini series she highlights quick and easy techniques to alleviate and release tension and anxiety in order to perform to the best of your ability for you and your clients in the salon.


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Quiet The Body, Mind & Soul

Explore meditation and its ability to quieten the mind. The simple act of closing our eyes, signals the body to relax, as we do not close our eyes when we’re in danger. Therefore, shutting your eyes for 5-minutes signals to the body that you're safe and you're setting an intention to release stress from the body. The more you do this, the more the body becomes comfortable in this state. This simple 5-minute meditation can be done anytime, anywhere.

"There are easy practices you can do, that take just minutes, that will help you engergize & release tension before, during or after your day in the salon."



Explore Your Chakra Energy System

sole to soul

Inga Lamb

Inga Lamb, Your Inner Healer, utilizes shamanic healing to solve the mental health pandemic and cure our ‘burnout’ crisis. A fully trained shaman and a teacher for 22 years, Inga is passionate about healing and setting troubled beings free from trauma. In this mini series she highlights quick and easy techniques to alleviate and release tension and anxiety in order to perform to the best of your ability for you and your clients in the salon.


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Explore Your Chakra Energy System

Inga explores the chakra energy center system; its colors and ability to balance the body. Starting at the Root chakra associated with grounding, moving to the Sacral chakra, our pleasure, joy and sense of balance center, working to the Solar Plexus chakra, the Heart, Throat, Third Eye and ending at the Crown chakra, found at the top of the skull, which connects to the divine and spirituality.

"There are easy practices you can do, that take just minutes, that will help you engergize & release tension before, during or after your day in the salon."